New research shows that an automated, artificial intelligence (AI) screening system accurately detects diabetic retinopathy 95.5 percent of the time. The system doesn’t require the input of an expert ophthalmologist and it can provide a reading in 60 seconds, making real-time screening possible for primary care practices and diabetes centers. Accurate, automated screening is an important development for millions of patients living with diabetes who need to be screened yearly for vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy. The research was presented on Oct 14 by Dr. Srinivas Sadda of Doheny Eye Institute at AAO 2019, the 123rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
“Diabetic patients already outnumber practicing ophthalmologists in the United States, and unfortunately, that imbalance is only expected to grow. Accurate, realtime diagnosis holds great promise for the millions of patients living with diabetes. In addition to increased accessibility, a prompt diagnosis made possible with AI means identifying those at risk of blindness and getting them in front of an ophthalmologist for treatment before it is too late.”
Srinivas Sadda, MD of the Doheny Eye Institute/UCLA
Read the full press release from AAO here: