Immediate, Fully-automated, On-site Eye Screening

Physicians & General Practitioners
- Provide patients with comprehensive diabetes care, including diabetic eye screening, in primary care setting
- Elevate patient care with the confidence of AI Eye Screening - screen for diabetic retinopathy without needing eyecare specialist on-site
- Test and give results to patients in the same appointment
- Improve HEDIS measures and CMS 5-Star quality care ratings
- Save costs through early detection and blindness prevention, while adding new revenue stream

Endocrinologists / Diabetologists
- Stay on top of all complications of your patients with diabetes, including silently developing diabetic retinopathy.
- Identify patients with vision-threatening retinopathy in-clinic, in real-time, so they can be immediately referred to an eyecare specialist for treatment to save their sight.
- Remove the biggest obstacle to annual diabetic retinopathy screening and diagnosis: patient compliance.
- Increase likelihood of behavior modification when DR disease progression is seen and explained
- Knowing the DR presence in your patients will help you better manage other chronic conditions like coronary heart disease or stroke.
- Put greater focus and access on higher-yield procedures when screening is automated
- Increase confidence in diagnosing disease and avoid misdiagnoses by implementing a QA process
- Ensure patients are referred to you in a timely fashion by helping implement automated screening at referring primary care clinics

Nurses & Educators
- Elevate patient care with the confidence of AI Eye Screening - screen for diabetic retinopathy without needing eyecare specialist on-site
- Provide a platform to increase diabetic patients’ awareness of eye disease, causes, treatments and benefits of screening for diabetic retinopathy
- Spur likelihood of behavior modification when diabetic retinopathy disease progression is seen and explained
- Makes screening simple and accessible, lowering health disparities between socioeconomic groups
Insurers / Payors
- Enable health systems to provide comprehensive diabetes care to patients, including eye exams, in a primary care setting
- Reduce payouts through prevention of serious eye complications
- Enable providers to triage patients at point-of-care and control the next steps in care
- Reduce costs for retinal exams by moving them to primary care setting from specialists
- Improve HEDIS measures and CMS 5-Star quality care ratings
- Enhance member experience, engagement and outcomes
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