Canon Mobile Teleretinal Solution
Featuring the Canon CR-2 AF / CR-2 PLUS AF Digital Non-Mydriatic Retinal Camera
- Integrated workflow with the EyeArt AI system and the EyeScreen Human+AI Service
- Auto functionality with auto-focus / capture / exposure
- Dedicated, high-resolution Canon EOS digital camera (24 megapixels or higher)
- Undilated imaging possible for vast majority (pupil size down to 3.3 mm)
- Custom Hard-shell Travel Case designed to transport Canon retinal non-mydriatic camera and laptop

Optomed Aurora IQ Handheld Fundus Camera
Only available in the United States and Canada
The camera is made for examination and documentation of the retina and anterior of the eye and includes a new High Contrast optical design that helps to detect small early phase retinal changes. A 50-degree field-of-view combined with non-mydriatic operation allows a detailed examination in various use cases. The ease of use is further increased by autofocus and autoexposure functions.